hello hello! It's been awhile since I've written anything here. I blame it on the snow we got last weekend. It was just a dusting, but it still threw me off. I took a picture of the snow coming down on Sunday and then by Monday it had melted and turned into a beautiful spring day. So I guess maybe I have no excuse for my short absence. :)
I've been busy sewing and dreaming up lots more projects, going to book clubs and making pita bread. Oh, and I made a flourless chocolate cake to bring to the book club and I must say, it was a big hit. I am totally making that cake again and again, because it was good. Real good. There were a few pieces left over and I admit, I had some left overs for breakfast and even a little snack for lunch. Oh it's evil cake, people. I'm warning you, there must be several others who are around to eat it up before you're tempted to get a second or third...or even a fourth piece. Don't say I didn't warn you, but in case you get the hankering for some gosh-darn terrific chocolatey goodness, here is the recipe. (And another here.)

About the book club, my friend Brandi started it up a few months ago and it's for women under the age of 40 who are interested in reading and discussion. I'm so glad she put this together because it's allowed me to meet some fantastic women and we've got a really great list of 19th century literature to keep us busy for several months. I also don't have a chance to get out a whole lot these days, so it has been wonderful going out to meet other people around the area. And we always get onto random topics while we're there (I love getting off topic); sipping wine, munching on cheese and crackers and other snacks. It's delightful.
I hope you all have a splendid weekend! Tomorrow is another shape-note meeting and we're having some family over for an Easter dinner. Should be some fun.
I am aching to learn this type of dance. (Btw, if you have about an hour and a half to spare, you really should watch this documentary. It's fascinating.)
Oh ho ho, your book club sounds fantastic! I WANT one too! As for flourless chocolate cake, it's really how cake should be because flour is nothing but the dry nasty filler that usually doesn't much for flavour, especially with chocolate when you're wanting sumptuous goodness. The "cakes" in france have given me much appreciation for this because the literal translation of "gateau" is not like our "cake" at all. Often it's crispy layers slathered in thick chocolate, with chocolate mousses in between, a layer of creaminess, crispy, mousse, chocolate, creamy, repeat, repeat, repeat... I could just die. They're in little rectangles on fringed dollies that you always buy in single portions. Whole "cakes" are scarce to be found. With the flourless chocolate cake that you made, did you think of making an anglais white sauce, or "hard" sauce as I think it's called in Joy of Cooking? If you want even more calories, and even more melting contrasting creaminess with the chocolate, it's the dessert to die for. Desserts and dying for me seem to go hand in hand.
ReplyDeleteThat book club sounds like fun! I'll have to keep that in mind, maybe I could start one when we move to Pittsburgh. It would be a good way to meet new people! :)
ReplyDeleteI miss having a book club to attend. thank you for the recipe - I'll certainly be trying it.
ReplyDeletehope you had a nice easter dinner. xo
Wow! Thanks for the link to this film!! :)
ReplyDeleteOhmygoodness, I will totally learn bucking/stepping/whatnot with you.
ReplyDeleteAshe! That would be fabulous! I really want to learn. I suppose I should just start practicing, even if I look silly at first!
ReplyDeleteAlso, here's a collection of 40 flatfoot American dancing videos here (my collection from YouTube):
That's what I was thinking -- just trying!
ReplyDelete(Sean Nos, btw, is old-style Irish dancing. American flatfooting is very close to it, and I think the Irish in part influenced it.)
ReplyDeleteOh sweet! I'll check out those videos. These look fantastic! I'm sure you have a head start, since you're already an expert at Irish dance. :)