Merry Christmas!


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Jed and I are celebrating our Christmas a few days early since we are going away for the holidays. I really cherish these moments alone with my love. We always enjoy having our own little celebrations and starting our own traditions. I hope you all have a wonderfully merry and maybe even white Christmas this year!

p.s. One of my favorite Christmas albums!

Linen Top


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I am taking custom orders for this top in sizes xs, s, m or l. The cost is $160 (please give me your zip code or the country you live in so I can calculate the cost of shipping). If you prefer a different color, please let me know which color you would like. My email is [email protected]


Silk Tucked Blouse

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I just added a new top that I am pretty excited about! I was actually VERY tempted to keep this for myself. And may even save some fabric away to make another one that I will keep. It's so flattering and comfortable. I can now understand why so many people like to wear silk. I have one top made in size small and am taking pre-orders now for sizes extra small through large which I will make after the new year when I am back from vacation. The sale price is included for pre-orders through December 20th! I can also make this in linen, just let me know if you prefer it in linen over silk.

Wool Cape


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Further reduced...!! Only a few left! 

*** S H O P ***

P.S. I plan to close the shop Friday night, December 20th and won't reopen until after the holidays.

Eating Gluten...??!!


Eating gluten...!!! 

 As I type this blog I am sitting next to a slice of toasted sprouted grain bread slathered in butter (fancy organic butter!) and I'm about to take a bite. Most people might not really think it's a big deal, but I have not eaten gluten for about 4-5 months now and I'm a teeny bit scared to try it again after so many months without it. When I went off of gluten, it wasn't because I was diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, it was something I decided to try in an attempt to figure out what was causing patches of itchy eczema under both my knees. Well, they have not disappeared, although I will say they have gone down quite a bit. They still flare up especially, I've found, at "a certain time of the month" and I also think they tend to flare more when I eat lots of sugary things, but who knows. I've also cleaned up my diet considerably since the summer (focusing on non-packaged foods), so that could have something to do with it not flaring quite as much. So anyway, I have had this loaf of Ezekiel sprouted grain bread in my freezer for awhile now (I got it for when my grandma and parents were visiting) and just decided I'm going to eat some and find out if I react to it. I'm going to start by eating one slice today, but no other gluten for the next few days to see if I react. If I don't react, I think I am going to try plain old bread to see if that does anything to me. The thing is, I really don't like giving up gluten completely. I am very glad I did decide to give it up, however! I didn't think it would be easy, but it turned out to be one of the easiest things I've ever given up. I like that now I don't rely on gluten filled meals or the need for a side of bread. Jed doesn't really like bread anyway (I never could understand that)! But it's Christmas time and I miss baking cookies and things like that. And gluten free flours are so expensive. I think if I find I don't react, I'll still keep bread to a minimum and probably rarely order it when eating out. Perhaps just keep it for more special occasions. I also want to try making sourdough bread, but decided to wait on a starter until after Christmas. I'd hate to start it and then leave it for weeks while we are away on vacation!

I've experimented with several different "diets" or eating habits since the summer. From Paleo to Primal to "Real Food." And through all that, I have found there is no special "diet" or way of life that is superior to the other. Some people do wonderfully on those diets while others don't notice much change. I also think worrying too much about food is a recipe for disaster. I am so guilty of this! I think that there must be one way of eating that will make me look amazing and then I won't ever have to worry about eating or counting calories again. But it just makes you worry more, because you have even more restrictions to follow and you have to worry what to eat when you go on vacation or to someone's house. If you can't tolerate a certain food, that is one thing, but to be told not to eat certain foods because apparently some caveman didn't eat it is ridiculous! I DO think, however, that eating "real food" as apposed to packaged foods is ideal. But I don't think it's necessary to go crazy with this. I get so sick and tired of people using scare tactics to get people to eat or not to eat a certain way and that is just not a good way to live! I read an article about Donna Reed once where she was telling her "secrets" about her diet and lifestyle and she mentioned that she really believed that you shouldn't deprive yourself of things you love, but to keep it in moderation. Everything in moderation, I still believe that is key!

Anyway, I'll let you know how it turns out! Are you gluten free or have you considered cutting out gluten from your diet? Do you think what I'm doing is crazy? If you are curious how my experiment goes, check back here in this space. I'll write an update on this post if anything happens! 


Update 12/16/13: Well, it's been about 3 days since I posted about eating gluten. So far, I don't really feel any bad symptoms of eating the sprouted grain bread. And I went even further yesterday night...I had a pastry. Yes! I know, not the most healthy decision to make whether or not I can eat gluten. But I had one and nothing has happened thus far. I'm not going to make a habit of this, but if I can eat it once in awhile, it's nice to know I won't blow up like a balloon and break out in hives! I'm planning to make Christmas cookies with Jed this week. I may or may not partake. But I probably will...!!!

Christmas Sale!


Everything is 30-40% off in the shop! The sale is only for items already made and ready to ship (custom orders not included). I only have a limited number of capes that I made and don't plan to make them again so if you were eyeing one, you might want to nab it while you can! 

I do hope you are enjoying this holiday season! It's going much too fast for me, although I am pretty much done with my Christmas shopping, besides a few handmade gifts I need to make. Of course I'm just now ordering materials for those, so I'll most likely be sewing the night before Christmas finishing everything! But I'm getting excited and cannot wait to relax over Christmas vacation!

p.s. Thank you Chelsea and Jen for featuring my holiday collection on your lovely blogs!!

The shop is open!


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The shop is officially open! You can find the shop over at my website or if you prefer you can shop directly in my Etsy shop or Big Cartel. I hope you enjoy my mini holiday collection! 



Holiday Shop Preview!


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Here is a preview of the garments I will be selling in my little holiday shop. I have already sewn a few garments for each style so each garment listed will be ready to ship. I am hoping to do a second shop update before Christmas, depending on how much time I have. I have another Henriette dress in the works made of navy blue corduroy, but I didn't have time to finish it. Here are the garments I will be listing in my shop with the sizes available:

Wool Cape: one size fits small/medium (3)
Plaid Henriette Dress: sizes small (1) and medium (2)
Red Corduroy Pullover Top: sizes small (1) and medium (1)

I will update here when the shop is open. Look for it early this week!
