I love weekends so much. I'm starting to really utilize my weekend a lot more now. Before I'd work a lot over the weekend because I didn't get as much done as I wanted to during the week. Well now I have myself on a bit of a schedule so I'm more productive during the week. This means I don't feel guilty for not going into work on Saturday or Sunday. Instead I can lounge around, sleep in, go to the lake, spend a long time making food (I love this part), stay up late watching movies and drinking wine. Maybe it's just summertime and that's why it feels so good, but I am feeling really relaxed. I also discovered my love for a new (to me) cookbook called
How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman. I read about it on a few blogs so I knew it was out there, just hadn't been able to check it out until I saw it at my friend Heather's house the other day. (I am watching her kitties so I don't think she'll mind that I borrowed it...) I love that he explains his reasoning behind why you do certain steps or add certain ingredients. I hate it when I follow directions blindly, not really knowing what the heck will happen when I do what they say. Because you know, I like to change things and I don't always like to follow directions to a T. So far the few dishes I've tried have turned out great and I already noticed a few other dishes I cannot wait to try! For example, Eggplant Parmesan looks delish and super easy. Only I think I'll use up the zucchini I already have and then later will try Eggplant.
Welp, that's all for now! I'm planning to hang out with my boyfriend and watch the new Madmen episode tonight! Whooo yeah! Think we might even make some g+t for this special occasion.
Hello last week of July! (How did that happen all of a sudden?)
p.s. next friday i'm having a photo shoot for the new items i'll be selling in
my shop. stay tuned!