{i like this picture. love the windows. from here.}
So, the day has finally come. I'll be moving out! A lot of my stuff has already been moved into the new place, so hopefully the remaining junk won't be too much of a hassle to move. I swear, I'm going through my crap once I settle in and I'm going to be ruthless! Ruthless you hear! I have so many odds and ends of stuff that it is so hard to organize anything. I think I just need to start going through my stuff regularly and get rid of crap I don't use or need or want anymore. So I said it here and I'm gonna follow through. I guess I'll be having more online yard sales in the near future.
Happy 4th of July weekend, by the way! My sister will be coming for a visit so that'll be fun! Eat lots of blueberries and strawberries and homemade ice cream. Mmmm homemade ice cream. So many good memories associated with homemade ice cream. Anyway, have a good one! I'll be back here soon.