moving day!


{i like this picture. love the windows. from here.}

So, the day has finally come. I'll be moving out! A lot of my stuff has already been moved into the new place, so hopefully the remaining junk won't be too much of a hassle to move. I swear, I'm going through my crap once I settle in and I'm going to be ruthless! Ruthless you hear! I have so many odds and ends of stuff that it is so hard to organize anything. I think I just need to start going through my stuff regularly and get rid of crap I don't use or need or want anymore. So I said it here and I'm gonna follow through. I guess I'll be having more online yard sales in the near future.

Happy 4th of July weekend, by the way! My sister will be coming for a visit so that'll be fun! Eat lots of blueberries and strawberries and homemade ice cream. Mmmm homemade ice cream. So many good memories associated with homemade ice cream. Anyway, have a good one! I'll be back here soon.

moving into a church.


i'm gonna live in an old church!

i'm gonna live in an old church!


First of all, thank you so so much for the kind words! I am doing much better now and my week so far has been going GREAT! I don't know if I mentioned it here or not, but I am moving to an old 1860s church in Amana, Iowa. My friend Brandi found it and she offered to let me rent part of the place plus a whole sanctuary for my sewing. I've already started to move stuff in, but I'm officially moving July 1st. So if I get a little silent here, you know why. I took some pictures the other day and uploaded them to flickr. If you care to take a peek, you can find the set here.

A bit of shop talk::
I have a new dress and new fabric I'm pretty excited to share, but I have to make a sample dress first. Also, that chambray top is nearly graded now. I just have to test the sizes! Also... I am thinking the next batch of clothes will be made-to-order, since this way everyone can get the size they want and I don't have to worry about which sizes to make. Oh yeah...and I'm seriously considering selling some 1940s shorts too. What sizes would you guys be into? As in, waist size (high waist, 26.5", 27", 28"...)? More soon...!

Have a fantastic weekend!

stressful week.


stressful week.

Just popping in to say I am still alive! It's been a not-so-great week. Not relating to work, but personal things. Hopefully all that will get better in time. They say time heals all wounds, right? Hope so. In the meantime, I am cooking up some new garments. I wish I could work all weekend on them, but I am off to another wedding! I'll be back in this space soon. Also, if I owe you an email, I am sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet! I don't hate you! I am just stressing over everything. I'll be back with a happier post next week. xo


yard sale.

I've been going through my closet and have decided to get rid of some stuff. So I started a blog where I'll be selling things for very reasonable prices. Plus you get free shipping if you purchase 3 items or more (US only)! Many of the items I've made myself and all are in good to almost new condition. If you are interested, check it out!

on sale, last day!


birthday cake.

Just a quick reminder that the sale is still going on and today is the last day! If your size isn't in the shop, send me an email { [email protected] } and I can make your size up within a few weeks. And I will still take off the 20% of the original price! Thank you for all the sales and support you all have given me! :)

birthday sale!


birthday sale!

June 8th is my 26th birthday and because I can't wait until Tuesday to have my sale, I am going to start early. So from today {Saturday} through Tuesday June 8th {sale ends at midnight, central time} everything is on sale! Here is how it works:

Everything in my Big Cartel shop is 20% off using code: BIRTHDAY {Just write it in the comments section at checkout and I will give you a refund.}

Enjoy your weekend!

to catch a thief.


to catch a thief.Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

I'm in a "To Catch a Thief" mood these days. I love the movie so much and every time I see it, it makes me want to read the book. I didn't realize how hard it was to find until I started searching for it. I finally gave up and decided to check my library to see if they can get it through inter-library loan. Turns out they can! It looks like the perfect summer book on a lazy afternoon.

etsy shop.


phoebe top

Just a quick note to say I have an Etsy shop now! I will be selling made-to-order garments there. This means you simply put down the size you want in the comment section of the order form and I will make it up within a week or two of purchase.

june first.


my new bag.

my new bag.

new sandals

my new bag.

Today I finished a new leather bag I made for myself. It's pretty basic and it fits all my junk and then I could probably fit a bunch of library books on top of it. I tend to like large bags to carry around just in case. I lined it with some natural colored linen and pockets made of navy and white gingham. I'm pretty happy with it. I also finally finished one of the pairs of sandals I was working on. They turned out much better than I originally thought. Only you'll have to pardon my icky feet. I've already worn those sandals almost everywhere, as you can tell by the dirt.

Hope you all had a nice long weekend!

a few more things...
{ i figured out a nifty way to do a topknot. i don't know why i didn't think of this before!}
{a lovely new desktop calendar for june from shanna murray.}