I picked up this little gal (big gal? it weighs a ton) this past weekend. I literally spent the entire afternoon on Saturday researching "MAYFAIR" machines with almost no luck. I know, that's so depressing. I totally wasted my Saturday. I did find a general manual for sewing machines on google books, though. And since then have done a bit more research and asked a few experts. I am pretty sure it's a White machine, but am not positive. And it looks a lot like the Domestic machines and Eldredge. I also purchased a bunch of supplies to refurbish it and bring it back to life. Some of the cords were looking pretty scary and I am not going to take any chances. Those are getting removed and I'm replacing them with brand new cords and a totally new light. My boyfriend was good enough to volunteer and help me out with this project. I know nothing about replacing cords and he does. :) Also there's a lot of cleaning to be done and detail work. I'm sure this will be a bit of an ongoing project, but I think I'll be very happy when I have it up and running. I've always wanted a vintage sewing machine. They're supposed to be little workhorses and I don't doubt that. I'm also excited to try out my new/old buttonholer. I love sewing tools and gadgets. :)
p.s. my seeds are just starting to pop their little heads up! i'm so excited!!