Has it really been almost a month since the last time I updated this thing? Yikes. Sorry, time flies! I've been out of town almost every weekend out of the month and then during the week spending my time playing catch-up. Oh how time flies. It's cold outside and I've already started two new knitting projects added to my never ending knitting pile. But you see, I have to have a few mindless knitting projects to stick in my purse for moments when I can knit a few rows. I am starting a pair of warm stockings and some delicate undersleeves from a
knitting manual I found on
Google Books (by the way, amazing resource!!). I also have some gift ideas I'd like to start on for Christmas presents. When will I find the time to make those? I have no idea.
I feel like there is so much I want to talk about, but I'm all scatterbrained today. I'm in a very girly mood these days and thinking a lot about make-up and hair and silly things like that. I've never been the sort to really get into that stuff and when I do, I don't like to over-do it. Yesterday I picked up some gel eye liner and experimented with that last night. I think I need some practice, though. Instead of looking like
this, I ended up looking like a drag queen. I also need to purchase some make-up remover 'cause that stuff does not come off with just water! And then I got soap in my eye and now my eyelid is all puffy. Argh! No one ever taught me how to apply makeup or do my hair. It's all something I've had to teach myself. So all this eyeliner business is new to me. If I can get it to look classy and vintage, I might wear it now and then for special occasions.
Also, I have three weddings I'll be in and they are coming up fast. November, January and March. Whoa.